Camp Island Lodge has pledged to join the Healthy Heart project, this will assist in lowering the environmental footprint and support sustainable recovery in our region. By recording our carbon and committing to being the sustainable choice, we ensure the Whitsundays remain unspoiled for our future generations.

Camp Island is proud to be a Healthy Heart Reef Partner. We are committed to measuring and reducing our ecological and carbon footprint contributing to sustainable action in the Whitsunday region.
Camp Island is entirely supplied by rainwater fed tanks. These are regularly cleaned and filtered for your safety. Low water usage showers and dual flush toilets have been installed. Please be mindful of water usage and limit your showers and kitchen usage as water on the island is a finite and precious resource.
Camp Island Lodge is primarily supported by solar power. We have installed energy efficient LED lights, DC eco-friendly Haiku ceiling fans and low wattage outdoor lights. Camp Island Lodge is not air-conditioned. Please ensure all lights and ceiling fans are switched off whilst you are not in the room.
Waste Management
Camp Island Lodge is dedicated to reuse, recycling and composting. All vegetable waste is fed to our chickens or composted for use in our gardens. All paper & cardboard, suitable plastics, aluminium and glass is transported off the island to local recycling stations. Camp Island Lodge does not support the use of single use plastics or bottles and would encourage you to consider this when provisioning for your stay.
Natural Environment
Camp Island Lodge regularly partners with National Parks and Wildlife to pursue the eradication of non-native species from the island.
Camp Island Lodge is located within the confines of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. If you have any questions about fishing zones around the island please speak with our caretakers.